Tagged: Good Charlotte

So Peppy I Wanna Puke

Jen Kehl at My Skewed View and Kristi at Finding Ninee host Twisted MixTape Tuesday, a blog hop that’s all about music.  The premise is to create a five song mix based on the week’s theme.  (You can click on the button above if you’d like to play along).  Here’s Jen’s instructions for today’s topic:

One of your friends is feeling down and needs to feel better. Make a mix to make him/her feel better. This can be songs you know your friend will love or songs meant to cheer someone up. You decide.

I’m probably not the person a friend will come to wanting “cheery” music to begin with.  When I’m down, I listen to depressing music .  I’m in that kind of mood now, making this tape even more extra-special difficult.  I usually choose my music to suit my mood, not use music to try to change my mood.

That being said, I’m going to pretend I have a friend that needs upbeat, bouncy music.  I going to call this my “So Peppy I Wanna Puke” mixtape.  Throw the lyrics out the window, just ignore them, this is music that will get your head nodding and your toes tapping.

1.  One Week – Barenaked Ladies.  Um yeah, bouncy.

2.  Two Princes – Spin Doctors.

3.  I Want Candy – Good Charlotte.  Originally, I’d planned to put the original Bow Wow Wow version, but I just had to work in a little rock edge somewhere.

4.  Everybody Talks – Neon Trees.  Something from this decade to help round out the list.

5.  Walking on Sunshine – Katrina and the Waves.  The ultimate in upbeat, happy happy joy joy songs.  I think even I can’t be depressed while this song is playing.

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